New Look Patterns · RTW Fast

Happy Easter!

What a glorious Easter Sunday it is here.  My thermometer is reading 72 degrees.  It is sunny and warm.  Glorious.  I wore my New Look 6934 to church this morning.  We were treated to  wonderful music (the drummer at church is hot by the way),  a great play and a nice message.

Here I am with my girls after church.  My lawn needs to be mowed….mom, tell dad I need him to come home.  I had planned to have the dress hemmed, pressed and hanging in my closet by Friday, but thanks to the my little nugget on the left I have been moving slowly since Thursday.  She mucked me out Thursday (not intentional), and I ended up with bruised or possibly cracked ribs.  I have been moving pretty slowly since.  Anyway, this morning before church I was hemming my dress.

The dress went together really easily.  It is a nicely drafted pattern and it has clearly written directions.  When asked, Doug (the hot drummer) said it made me look thick at the waist…..he was right (note to self, don’t ask Doug anything unless you want an honest answer).  See, he was right.  Without the sweater, I look thick waisted.

I still think the style is cute, but for me I have to wear it with a sweater or jacket.  Maybe that’s why there’s a jacket included in the pattern.    I had to shave off about 1/4″ at the armscye to get the back of the neckline to lay flat.  Thanks hot drummer, engineer guy for the pattern help.  Worked like a charm.

Side, non-waist thickening view according to my honest critic.  You know, that guy I married 31 years ago this Wednesday.

So, I don’t know if I will make this again.  I think we are all in agreement that the high waist line style is not for me.    Anyone want a cute dress and jacket pattern, already cut out in size 14, with 1/4” trimmed off the back armscye and 1″ seam allowances added to all side seams?  Speak up if you do.

Happy Easter.

He has risen.

16 thoughts on “Happy Easter!

  1. I love the printed fabric. The dress is lovely, even if you don’t like the high-waisted look.
    I broke a rib when I fell off the motorcycle, so I know just how debilitating it can be! Take it easy so it can heal (it can take months and can be re-injured so easily).

    1. Thanks Laura. I don’t like to hear it can take months….I have some horses to ride and some miles to run. Doug and I went for a walk today on flat ground, it was frustrating how sore I was.

      1. I was pretty much bedridden for a month. I even re-injured it on a road trip. I twisted around in my seat to hand something to my son and something happened. It hurt so badly. Hopefully yours isn’t actually broken! Then it won’t take as long to heal.

  2. I’m so sorry you are hurt. That is never fun. The dress is cute, but you need the break at your actual waist – or a belt, or a jacket. Enjoy. g

  3. I like the bodice pattern, very pretty with the princess seam. It might just need a skinny black belt to create a waistline. I think it looks great on you 🙂

  4. Thanks every one for you kind comments. I am going to try a ribbon or small belt around the waist and see how that looks.

  5. Your dress is just lovely, a nice mixture of black and floral. So nice for your spring! I don’t think it needs anything at all to be perfect already. Not all dresses have to be fitted through the body, it’s nice to have a bit of variety in the closet from which to choose.

    1. Thanks Sarah.  Yes, still sewing.  Well buying patterns mostly:)  I have been busy with outside stuff and sewing piece work.  I am working on a post about my piece work.  Hopefully, I will get that posted soon.  Thanks for checking!


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